Personal & digital transformation

BLOOOM vzw works within a super-diverse reality

with the new social challenges that globalization entails.

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BLOOOM ... The target groups are diverse. Our work focuses on learning to deal with transitions, to discover and accentuate the opportunities and to encourage constructive action. BLOOOM vzw employs innovative methodologies and digital technology in a constructive way to bring about positive interaction with diversity & globalization in our contemporary society. Blooom promote sustainable development both on a personal level and on a social level.

How we work …


We offer coaching & training services that facilitates transitions for individuals and organisations.

Digital Transformation means that we use technology, which is digital,  to solve traditional and new problems.

We strongly believe in the value of authenticity and therefore we tailor our support to fit the person’s needs, the company’s policy, its culture and the available budget.

Interculturality &  gender equality are transversal themes in the services we provide.

Project Coaching

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Develop actionable doable plans with creative people so to achieve their goals. 

BLOOOM vzw facilitates workshops within the framework of the global goals. We respond to the universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace & prosperity.